Rev. Courtney Mackey
Senior Pastor
Rev. Courtney Jamal Mackey was born on August 30, 1989, and is a native of Ocala, FL. He is well educated, holding a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Organizational Management, a Master of Divinity degree and is a current Doctor of Philosophy Candidate in Leadership for Higher Education.
Pastor Courtney is also a trained musician, a licensed and ordained elder in the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, and a compassionate and innovative millennial pastor. He has served congregations as Youth & Young Adult Pastor, Minister of Music, Senior Pastor and Executive Pastor in Florida and Georgia, respectively.
He loves to preach, sing, travel and enjoy life with his partner in marriage and ministry, Corey, and their family. The family has two dogs, Rylee and Brooklyn.
Pastor Courtney’s favorite quote is, “Let the world know what you live for... not what you fall for!” - John Paul Warren